Our Ethics and Compliance Program helps ensure our associates have the guidance and resources needed to operate with the highest standards of corporate conduct in all our business dealings globally.
The Program is led by our Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, who also serves as our Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer. Senior executives and key stakeholders within VF form our Legal, Risk, Compliance and Safety Council, which helps ensure the effectiveness of our Program and provides input on key initiatives. VF’s Vice President of Ethics and Compliance, manages the Program’s day-to-day operations.
Through collaboration with Ethics and Compliance liaisons worldwide – associates who support our program in addition to their primary responsibilities – we strive to apply a collaborative and inclusive perspective in the way we manage our Program across the globe.
In 2017, VF's Board of Directors adopted an updated Code of Business Conduct, which applies to all VF directors, officers and associates. Our Code outlines the principles that have guided our company throughout the years, and that continue to guide us today.
The Code provides direction on acting in accordance with laws, other legal requirements and company policies. VF also provides more detailed policies and procedures for demonstrating ethical behavior, many of which are referenced in the Code. Our Code contains Q&A scenarios to demonstrate ways in which our values and Guiding Principles can come to life in our day-to-day actions.
By setting forth the high standards that VF expects, our Code of Conduct serves as a pledge we make to our shareholders, our stakeholders and each other. All VF associates worldwide are expected to read and acknowledge our Code and to become familiar with its contents.
Reflecting VF's global reach and the diversity of our associates, our Code is available in 24 languages.
The Code of Business Conduct sets forth business policies and principles for all directors, officers and associates of VF.
VF is committed to fostering dialogue and communication through multiple channels, including our Open Door Policy and our Ethics Helpline.
The Helpline is a free, confidential way for anyone to seek guidance, ask a question or raise a concern. It is available 24 hours a day/seven days a week in every country where VF has associates. The Helpline is available in over 100 languages, and anonymous reporting is available where allowed by law. Each report is reviewed by a member of our Ethics and Compliance team and assigned to an appropriate investigator.
Our Ethics Helpline isn't just for VF associates. Anyone who wishes to raise a concern about a potential violation of our Code of Business Conduct or the law can contact the Helpline 24 hours a day/seven days a week.
VF does not tolerate retaliation against an associate for making a good faith report of a potential violation of our Code of Conduct, a company policy or the law or for participating in an investigation.
We make every effort to investigate reported concerns appropriately, consistently, and in a timely manner.
VF investigated a total of 688 reports globally during our last Fiscal Year (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024), received through the Ethics Helpline and direct reporting to the Company via our Open Door Policy. Forty-eight percent of the reports received were made anonymously. Out of the 688 total reports, 69 were requests for guidance. Approximately 51% of the reports containing allegations were found to be substantiated. All substantiated reports resulted in either training, coaching, policy review or disciplinary action.
We use this data, both qualitative and quantitative, to inform our actions and ensure they align with our vision and values. This includes working to identify areas of opportunity, improving upon our policies, processes, and best practices and creating occasions to provide additional training and resources within our organization. With these actions, we commit to furthering our Open Door culture and ensuring we act with integrity for our shareholders, our customers and our associates.
Introduces the direct liability for companies when unlawful conduct has been carried out by its directors and employees in order to the benefit of the company.
Learn MoreOur company seeks to ensure our values drive our tax strategy and that it remains aligned with our business and commercial goals. To do so, VF follows the below principles regarding UK taxation.
Learn MoreVF operates two distinct legal entities in the United Kingdom, both with over 250 employees. The detail in this report covers the gender pay data for each entity: VF Northern Europe Ltd., which is responsible for our UK Wholesale Business, as well as for providing centralized services to the EMEA region; VF Northern Europe Services Ltd., which is responsible for our UK Retail Stores operation.
2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
French Law for Gender Pay Equality of 5th September 2018 requires companies operating in France to disclose the result of mandatory indicators regarding pay gap of its France-based employees broken out by gender. VF’s 2018 score in this initiative was 80/100. This score is the result of our consistent policy for equal pay between women and men, reflecting our company’s focus on gender equity and a larger commitment to advancing inclusion and diversity. We will continue to pursue opportunities that will help us improve our score and achieve greater parity in pay by gender in every country where we operate.
La loi “Avenir professionnel” du 5 septembre 2018 impose aux entreprises françaises de publier le score de l’index sur l’égalité professionnelle entre les femmes et les hommes de leurs salariés en France.
Pour 2018, VF obtient un score de 80/100. Ce résultat est le fruit d’une politique constante en matière d’égalité salariale entre les femmes et les hommes, qui reflète notre engagement sur l’équité femmes-hommes et plus largement sur la promotion de l’intégration et de la diversité. Nous allons poursuivre nos efforts afin d’accroître notre score et d’atteindre une plus grande équité salariale entre les femmes et les hommes dans chaque pays où nous opérons.
La Société VF(J) France SAS est enregistrée auprès d’un éco-organisme de la filière Textile d’habillement, Linge de maison et Chaussure et a obtenu à ce titre l’identifiant unique (IDU): FR218648_11KOLY, ainsi qu’auprès d’un éco-organisme de la filière Emballages ménagers et a obtenu à ce titre l’identifiant unique (IDU): FR213472_01DZRS
2020 - 2021 | 2021 - 2022 | 2022 - 2023 | 2023 - 2024 |
This is the first Statement in accordance with the Transparency Act (Act relating to enterprises’ transparency and work on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions to be published by VF). This statement outlines the steps VF has taken to minimize the risk of any adverse impact on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in its business and its’ supply chains.
This policy provides a framework for setting quality objectives and commits the organization to continual improvement and satisfying applicable requirements, according to the EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.
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